Tuna-tomato soup
The tuna-tomato soup, originated from the South of Italy and Sicily was chosen as one of the main dishes of the home buffet at Onion Route, in Septembes 15th. Soup with exotic tastes but as made of fish suits to the buffet Aadikuur menu. I will try to post all the recipes we offered in Home Buffet day.
Today’s menu was as follows:
1. Pancakes with
2. Ucha, maybe a little different from the Russian classic, but in any case fish-soup with a clear consomme
3. Tuna-tomato soup
4. Onion- pies
5. Carrot pies
6. Pumpkin-Ginger teabread
In addition to that tea was in samovar, we offered coffee, home-baked bread.
Since we made the soup not liters but tens of liters, the recipe for the blog is little customized.
Preparation time: 20 min preparation, 25-30 min boliing
Level: easy
Serves: four
2 400ml can of chopped tomatoes
1 garlic clove
1 big onion
1 medium young zucchini
1 small can of green olives
1 can of butter beans
1 20 cm piece of celery
two 160-180g cans of tuna in water
Salt and pepper for seasoning
A pinch of rosemary,
0.25 teaspoon of oregano
3-4 tbs of olive oil
Optional: 2-3 tablespoons of Chinese rice wine or dry cherry
50g Parmesan cheese
small pinch of parsley for decoration
1. Chop the onion and garlic finely
2. Cut the zucchini into four peaces and slice
3. Cut the celery into thin slices
4. Heat the oil in pan and fry slightly the onion and garlic the garlic into a glass, pour the soup pot
5. Add crushed tomatoes and celery and let boil. Season with black pepper, salt and Italian herbs
6. Slice the green olives and add the soup.
7. Boil for a 15 minutes, then add tuna and beans. Boil for 10-15 minutes. Flavor again if necessary
8. When serving, sprinkle a pinch of grated parmesan and chopped parsley.
September 16, 2018 @ 5:16 pm
Tere! Suur-suur tänu eile meid Varjnas võõrustamise ning retsepti eest! Supid, mis me eile sõime olid tõeliselt head, eriti tomati-tuunikala supp. Leib oli ka hästi välja kukkunud, süües juba kiitsime.
Mis sparkling powder’i eestikeelne vaste oleks ning palju tuunikala sisse läheb?
Jõudu ja loodetavasti järgmise aastani! 🙂
September 16, 2018 @ 6:13 pm
Suur aitäh, et kirjutasite, suur aitäh, et meie kodupuhvetit külastasite. Mul on väga hea meel et teile meie juures meeldis.
Samuti aitäh, et veale tähelepanu juhtisite. See sparkling powder on vigane termin ja jäänud sisse kogemata. Palun vahetage keel eesti keele vastu, siis saate lugeda täpsemalt. Samuti aitäh, et juhtisite tähelepanu, et inglisekeelses variandis ei ole tuunikala kogus kirjas.
Nüüd on retsept täiendatud.
Kohtumiseni järgmisel aastal!