Ukrainian potato pancakes
Deruny (in Ukrainian деруни) are thin crispy potato pancakes. Potato pancakes are made in many countries around the world and there are many different recipes for making them. The Ukrainian city of Korosten is probably the only place in the world that officially hosts a potato pancake festival with thematic competitions held during the festival. The cuisine of Ukraine and all Slavic countries is very tasty and easy to prepare. On March 4, 2022, an article introducing delicious Ukrainian cuisine was published in the newspaper Postimees. There is also a beautiful and comprehensive book on Ukrainian cuisine by Olia Hercules entitled “Summer Kitchens. Recipes and Reminiscences from Every Corner of Ukraine ”available in bookstores. Show our support to Ukraine by getting better to know the cuisine of this country.
Slava Ukraini!!

Preparation time: 30-40 min
Level: easy
Quantity: for two to four
2-3 large potatoes peeled and grated
2 eggs
1 large onion grated
2 garlic cloves finely chopped
3 tablespoons flour
For seasoning with sea salt and black pepper
Vegetable oil for frying
Serve with sour cream and chopped green onions
1. Peel the potatoes and grate them with a coarser grater
2. Peel onion and grate it well, stir in the grated potatoes
3. Finely crush two cloves of garlic and add to the mixture
4. Squeeze out excess water from the mixture to make the potato pancakes crispier
5. Add two eggs, season with sea salt and black pepper
6. Heat about 50 ml of cooking oil over medium heat in a pan
7. Flat pancakes from the potato pancake mixture between the hands of the form and fry them in cooking oil on both sides until golden brown and crispy
8. Serve with sour cream and chopped green onions