Broad bean soup

At the beginning of autumn, there are still fresh broad beans available, and this should be used to make a hearty soup. I made it with smoked pork knuckle and the broth made from it. Since I also like barley groats, there are many groats in the soup. It’s a good rustic soup idea that you can think of with many variations.

Preparation time: Broth at least 3 hours, Boiling the green beans for 30 minutes, cooking the soup for about 1 hour.
Level: Easy
Quantity: about 6 liters of soup

To prepare the broth:
One large smoked pork knuckle
2 stalks of celery
1 medium onion cut in half
3 medium carrots
2 bay leaves
7-8 black peppercorns
6 liters of water
Sea salt for seasoning

To make the soup:
The meat of the smoked pork knuckle, lard removed and cut into desired pieces
200 g of barley groats soaked overnight in cold water
400 g of carrots cut into desired pieces
Three medium onions, chopped
Freshly ground black pepper and sea salt to taste
Fresh dill to serve
2-3 tablespoons cooking oil for browning the onions


  1. The day before making the soup, soak the groats in cold water overnight.
  2. Also prepare the broth the day before. Put about 6 liters of water in a large pot place the smoked knuckle in the water, let it boil, and remove the foam that forms. Add celery stalks, purgatives, bay leaves, black peppercorns and halved onion.
  3. Simmer the broth on very low heat for about 3 hours. Season the broth with sea salt. It is not necessary to season too much, because you can add salt later when making the soup, and the smoked knuckle is also salty.
  4. When the broth is ready, let the meat cool, for example overnight. Remove all the vegetables from the broth, they can be eaten, they taste quite good. Pour the broth through a fine-mesh sieve to remove all celery pieces, bones and onion skins.
  5. When the meat has cooled, remove the rind, bones and lard, which I usually don’t use when making soup, and cut the meat into pieces you like. The meat is very soft and tends to fall off the bones.
  6. Boil the broad beans in salted water. Place the bean pods in water, add a handful of salt bring to a boil, and cook on low heat for 30 minutes.
  7. When the parts are ready, cool them slightly clean the beans from the pods, and use them in making soup.
  8. To prepare the soup, finely chop the onions and lightly fry them in a pan with cooking oil.
  9. Cut the carrots into suitable pieces.
  10. Bring the broth to a boil, adjust the heat to low, and add the groats and carrots to the broth. Cook for about 20 minutes and add the beans, onions, and meat.
  11. Cook the soup on a very low heat for another 30 minutes, during this time the groats and carrot will become soft, the groats will expand further, and the starch released from the beans and groats will make the soup thicker.
    Serve the soup with fresh dill.